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/ Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET / Programming Microsoft Visual Basic .NET (Microsoft Press)(X08-78517)(2002).bin

Jump To: Directory (30)  |  Text (3)  |  Other (1)

Directories (30)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
01 getting started with net3   02 modules and namespaces1   03 control flow and error handling2
04 class fundamentals2   05 inheritance1   06 interfaces and delegates2
07 attributes1   08 net data types1   09 array, lists, and collections2
10 directories, files, and streams1   11 object serialization2   12 regular expressions3
13 threading2   14 assemblies5   15 reflection2
16 windows forms4   17 controls4   18 gdiplus1
19 advanced win32 techniques2   20 adonet connected1   21 adonet disconnected1
22 xml and adonet1   23 web forms and controls2   24 aspnet applications2
25 user and custom controls3   26 web services5   ebook25
setup5   startcd3   updates1

Text (3)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
autorun.inf Windows Autorun File 3 47b 2001-12-20
readme.txt Text File 141 4KB 2002-03-25
startcd.ini INI File 178 4KB 2002-03-25

Other Files (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
startcd.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 5 193KB 2001-12-20